Sunday, July 04, 2010

Dating disasters

To avoid more relationship woes, perhaps starting off with the right sort of person would be best. Try to pick a partner with similar interests. That sounds easy until you're asked to list your hobbies on a dating website or answer the awkward and inevitable getting-to-know-you question, 'what do you do in your spare time?'

Instead these New Yorkers have created a smart website that pairs people depending on their activity interests - their ideal dates. have a great database of people wanting to do certain activities that are best in twosomes, so ask if anyone wants to join them. That way, even if the person isn't right for you, you have done something you are keen on, rather than wasting money in the same comfy bar each weekend with a series of losers!

The NYTimes have an excellent article on the service and why it has proved anthropologically interesting.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to see some real dating disasters, check out They've interviewed people who have had bizarre experiences and put them into these funny videos.


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