Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blog death

According to a report from 2008, 95% of blogs are abandoned, "left to lie fallow on the Web, where they become public remnants of a dream — or at least an ambition — unfulfilled.":
"(O)nly 7.4 million out of the 133 million blogs the company tracks had been updated in the past 120 days"

So, I was thinking about all these idle blogs, not updated in years and what happens to them. Is the storage released for new material, with the old blog deleted? Is a warning sent to the owner? Do they stay around indefinitely? I cannot say for Wordpress or other blog host sites, but Blogger maintain old blogs forever (apparently):

How long does it take for an idle account to be deleted and released?
How long does it take for an idle account to be deleted and released? The name that I would like to use only has one entry and hasn't been touched for a couple years and I didn't know if they get deleted from non-use.  Thanks.

Accounts never expire; sometimes people return to them after a long absence. Google doesn't release contact details of blog owners but you can attempt to contact them if any details are available on their page.

This seems weird to me; clogging up the ether with old knowledge that not even the owner cares about. I can understand if it is a memorial to someone, or you don't have anymore to say for a while, but you might log in, check your stats, read comments, maybe update the template, at least show that you care. These poor, neglected blogs; like plants without water on a hot windowsill - so sad - don't you want to tap on the glass and ask someone to give them a drink?

My post on Web2.0 and truth creation has me thinking again - if the knowledge in these blogs is no longer valuable to even the creator, should they be given valuable e-real estate? If you don't get (m)any followers, that is fine, you might just write for your own benefit. But if you stop bothering, why should electricity and microchip space be used to maintain your old news? I think there should be an archive and you can pay to have the blog restored, or the information emailed to you - like releasing your towed car from the impound.

If we put a monetary price on knowledge, would we value it more?

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